Refunds to customers for flights and accommodation must be non-negotiable.
There needs to be some regulation forcing the drivers of the blue light brigades to adhere to the laws of the road
Minister Pravin Gordhan is helping the almost 57million South Africans, by fighting blatant mismanagement and rampant corruption
"Schools are supposed to be repositories of knowledge where discipline and moral injunctions are taught. "
This can only be a reality if everybody in the country rallies around Papppi (People Against Petrol and Paraffin Price Increases), Visvin and his team, so that fuel ...
The KZN branch was accused of being a hindrance to the revolution if the conference was stymied any further.
There seems to be something inherently dysfunctional with the pricing of the fuel in South Africa.
THE recent meeting with students and government, including Jacob Zuma and Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande, seems to have yielded minimal results.
'The unilateral decision by the head of SABC which excludes the Indian community is not acceptable,' said Vijay Surujpal.