The concept of Justice must be redefined

Letter to the Editor|Published

Yagyah Adams questions, how will those who defend Israel justify themselves to God? Are they going to claim that their rabbi/priest/ conscious or political opinion said it was okay or will they say Israeli technology was too important to ignore? How is it possible to validate/ endorse a genocide? REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

All prophets sent by God the Creator confirmed that most people would be led astray by evil. This was also predicted by Muhammed, the envoy who warned that before judgement day, evil would have access to advanced technology, wealth, influence, etc.

Today, we witness the fear that some individuals, societies and nations have for global Zionism.

The latest to express fear is the University of Cape Town (UCT) voting on severing ties with Israeli academic institutions. The majority in the Senate just could not allow themselves to do this. The fear expressed was mostly around funding – Cape Argus, March 14.

Allow me to do a comparison. If I suggested Hitler the Nazi leader of Germany was helpful, how would that be interpreted? For example, Hitler commissioned the production of the VW Volkswagen Beetle in 1930.Hitler and his scientists created the ballistic missile, the helicopter and rocket and medical technology that benefited the world for a century.

Hitler even developed Jägermeister and the Fanta drink. But Hitler was behind the mass murder of millions and suffering of billions. So, does his helpfulness to technological advancement exonerate him from mass murder?

Similarly, those hell-bent on making sure Israel and its Zionist regime is not held accountable for the genocide of innocent Palestinians, must ask themselves, what is the difference between historic Nazi Germany and current Zionist Israel? Is it the number of people killed? Is it because Hitler killed white people and Israel is killing non-white sub-humans?

How will those who defend Israel justify themselves to God? Are they going to claim that their rabbi/priest/ conscious or political opinion said it was okay or will they say Israeli technology was too important to ignore? How is it possible to validate/ endorse a genocide? But when your soul is so evil, you can justify anything, and even use religion as an excuse.

* Cape Muslim Congress councillor Yagyah Adams.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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The concept of Justice must be redefined