New Xhosa King Vulikhaya Sigcawu urges his subjects to vote in the local government elections

New Xhosa king Vulikhaya Sigcawu urges subjects to choose parties of their choice. Photo supplied

New Xhosa king Vulikhaya Sigcawu urges subjects to choose parties of their choice. Photo supplied

Published Oct 28, 2021


DURBAN - New Xhosa King Vulikhaya Sigcawu said his kingdom would work with any political party that would emerge as a winner in the municipalities where his subjects live.

In a statement issued by the kingdom on Thursday, the king called upon all registered voters to go out in their numbers to exercise their democratic right to vote for candidates and parties of their choice, urging his subjects to do so in an orderly, peaceful and tolerant manner, while continuing to observe all the applicable cautions against the spread of the Covid-19.

“In our area of jurisdiction, we have pledged to work with all those who will emerge as the people's elected representatives. Even though they may belong to different political formations, they are still the King's subjects, and their work for the benefit of communities shall always receive the ancestral blessings of the Kingdom of AmaXhosa,” said the king.

He said the history of colonialism and apartheid, together with the suffering that emanated from both repressive systems, is well documented, as well as the role that traditional leaders played towards ensuring that this country enjoyed the political freedom that it enjoys today.

He said that the right to vote as enshrined in our Constitution is a right that no citizen should take for granted. He further said it was important to exercise this right that was born out of the sacrifices of many people who fought and perished for freedom.

Furthermore, the king said although it was indeed true that certain expectations which should rightfully accompany political freedom are yet to be met, that the voice of the electorate was still the most powerful instrument at the hand of the ordinary citizen to hold elected representatives to account.

The king took over from his late brother, king Zwelonke Sigcawu, who died in 2019.

His appointment was challenged, which delayed his official appointment until early this year, where the president issued him a certificate proclaiming him as a king, but Daily News has learnt that there is a faction in the royal family that plans to take his appointment to court.

The king's spokesperson Ndabele Mtoto said they were not concerned by court threats and were preparing for the king’s coronation.

Mtoto further explained that the reason why the late king’s son could not take over was that he died without a great wife, which is a queen whose lobola was paid for by the nation, and she must be the daughter of another king.

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