WATCH: Ntsiki Mazwai accuses Nomzamo Mbatha of wanting to steal her man

Ntsiki Mazwai and Nomzamo Mbatha. Picture: Instagram

Ntsiki Mazwai and Nomzamo Mbatha. Picture: Instagram

Published May 19, 2020


It’s true what they say, “the internet never forgets". Remember how Comedy Central's Roast of Somizi devolved into “The Roast of Ntsiki,” who was one of the panellists?

The video clip of Mbatha bashing Ntsiki Mazwai emerged again on social media. 

The former "Isibaya" actress can be heard in the video slamming Mazwai's career and questioning her personal hygiene, labelling her a “dirty old lady.”

Although it was all good fun in the name of the roast, Mazwai insists the roast was too personal.

Mazwai, who is known for not mincing her words, took to Twitter on her morning walk on Tuesday, spilling the tea on Mbatha. As expected, all hell broke loose.

The poet revealed all behind Mbatha’s “attack” on her during the roast.

“You wanted the real story behind the roast. I do have a scoop," said Mazwai.

Mazwai alluded to Mbatha being a puppet of her manager Pumza Nohashe.

"Nomzamo’s manager is my former manager and it didn’t end on a polite note. In my opinion, she’s very evil and needs psychological help.

"She was also Minnie Dlamini’s former manager...remember when Minnie Dlamini was trying to putting on that whole African image, you can tell that my former manager was trying to create another me with Minnie." 

She added: "I think we are in a situation where this psychopath is playing puppet master and made Nomzamo fight her battle for her. “

“This is the situation where there is an evil person behind the scenes, Nomzamo Mbatha was just a little girl who got caught up in the web and beef between people and then she was used."

Mazwai said she didn't understand why Mbatha was attacking her so much because they don't didn't know each other, insisting they never met her prior to the show.

She added that the actress was “shady and weird” even before the show started.

"She couldn’t greet and I just thought ‘this is so weird," said Mazwai.

Mazwai says she then figured it out.

"I don’t know you from a bar of soap, so I don’t know where that anger and hatred was coming from. I can only assume that she herself was going through a bad time. 

"I think the roast happened during her break up (with Maps), and she was very hurt and she needed to project that hurt to somebody else.

Mazwai continued to explain that on the day she had brought her "cute boyfriend," so when it was time for Mbatha to change, shortly before the show, she took her stuff and went to the bathroom because Mazwai's man was in the room.

"At that moment, the producers called me to do my make-up, " said Mazwai.

Mazwai said she then left the room.

"When I get to the makeup room, the makeup artist was busy."

Then she decided to return to the changing room, where she left her man, and she walked into "half naked" Mbatha, who was fetching something from the rails.

"She was her panties, she just covered her breast. My boyfriend was traumatised and so shocked. I think she was trying to snatch my man but my man is not snatchable. He loves me."

Going back to the show in question, Mazwai admitted that she was hurt by all the mean things that were said about her.

"So yes, I was hurt because they were being mean and spiteful and I didn’t expect that. Add everybody ganged up on me. "

Watch the full video below:

— Ntsikizayiboni (@ntsikimazwai) May 19, 2020

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nomzamo mbatha