‘Generations’ founder shows interest in Lungelo Nkosi: ‘Does she have an agent?’

Lungelo Nkosi. Picture: Instagram

Lungelo Nkosi. Picture: Instagram

Published Mar 28, 2023


Throughout the weekend, social media has been in a tizzy over Durban-based make-up artist Lungelo Nkosi after people started labelling her as the perfect example of “wife material”.

By Monday morning, “Lungelo Nkosi” had gone to the very top of the Twitter trends list as the hype amplified.

Now, film producer Mfundi Vundla, who is the creator of SA’s longest-running soapie, “Generations: The Legacy”, seems to have interest in hiring her.

Commenting on an image of Nkosi which was posted by Michael Bucwa (Mr Smeg) Vundla inquired: “Does she have an agent? If so, provide contact details.”

“We might see Lungelo Nkosi on Generations soon,” Bucwa posted.

The comments and tweets across social media have come from far and wide:

“So beautiful to see South African men appreciating the modesty of Lungelo Nkosi,” tweeted @mtetwakhanya. “They really making being “decent“ cool again.❤️”

@kamo_matsemela added: “Thank you, Lungelo Nkosi for representing us ladies; proving that you don’t have to be half-naked to get attention/married. Ladies won this week all thanks to Lungelo. What a wholesome babe❤️🥺”

— Makoti🤍 (@kamo_matsemela_) March 25, 2023

@abednego82 swam against the tide and shared a differing perspective with a whole thread.

“Why Lungelo Nkosi is considered a ‘wife material’ but you are not (A Thread). Lungelo is not the most beautiful woman on Instagram or even the sexiest, but why are men unanimously clear that she is a wife material?”

— Abednego (@abednego82) March 25, 2023

“Hello @elonmusk , May you please take our beautiful South African 🇿🇦 sister Lungelo Nkosi out for lunch,” tweeted @MichaelBucwa.

“Lungelo Nkosi doesn’t need to bring anything to the table, she is the table,” he went on to add.