Scientists believe the coelacanth, once thought to be extinct but discovered in 1938 by Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, might be one of the first fish to crawl out of the sea and evolve into a land-dwelling reptile. Illustrates KIDSPOST-EXTINCT (category l), by Fern Shen (c) 2001, The Washington Post. Moved Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2001. (MUST CREDIT: Washington Post illustration by Patterson Clark.) Scientists believe the coelacanth, once thought to be extinct but discovered in 1938 by Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, might be one of the first fish to crawl out of the sea and evolve into a land-dwelling reptile. Illustrates KIDSPOST-EXTINCT (category l), by Fern Shen (c) 2001, The Washington Post. Moved Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2001. (MUST CREDIT: Washington Post illustration by Patterson Clark.)
Daily we prescribe to the theory of hard work, optimism and progress. Our sole purpose is to build a better future for our children, ourselves and generally make the world a better place.
These beliefs embody yet to come possibilities, a tomorrow; but what of the future, I ask? There are reports of a killer asteroid heading for Earth in 2036. There is increasing evidence that there are signs of life on other planets, much of it scientific prediction fuelled by sensationalism. Where are the purveyors of the “2012 doomsday?” We are so near and yet they are so silent ? If we could foresee the future with unfailing accuracy, life as we know it would have been upended. We would have averted the sinking of the Titanic, the events of 9/11 and the Asian Boxing Day tsunami of 2004.
If warmongers knew with complete certainty that they would be victorious, they would plunge ahead without any restraint whatsoever. If individuals knew for certain the swings of the stock market, the entire system would be wrecked. Everyone would bet everything on a sure thing and withdraw funds from weaker companies, dooming them.
Sporting events whose appeal rests largely on the fact that we don't know their outcome would cease to fascinate us, they might become extinct because of lack of interest.
Species would vanish if hunters and fishermen knew, ahead of time where the prey was located. Human affairs would be transformed. Why assiduously court a lover if you knew his or her response in advance? Crime would be an epidemic, criminals would commit crimes they knew would go undetected. For thousands of reasons, perfect precognition would be disaster.
Even the human species, which are indeed an oxymoronic bunch, require a high degree of uncertainty and chaos to function smoothly. There has been inexorable advancement in certain spheres which gives us cause to question the future.
Nokia has just launched a skype cell phone. Online voting is no more a flicker on the horizon, so too is space travel. Would glass caskets like the late Sai Baba’s become the in thing? Is biological warfare and HIV/Aids becoming an airborne disease reality ? Unusual weather phenomena is continuously embracing the world.
The biblical predicaments of new world orders of governments is already evident with the toppling of regimes in Tunisia and Egypt. Power mad conspirators in the mould of Muammar Gadaffi have threatened to de-stabilise the world. Nuclear meddling has become a national past time for Iran and North Korea. Will the US eventually rule the world?
Nearer to home we ask ourselves, are we any closer to conquering space? With the greenhouse effect and the rapid melting of icecaps, would Durban's hotels still stand majestically on the beachfront in 20 years or will it all be covered by water ?
As new species are being discovered across the globe would the coelacanth ( pictured) reappear in S.A waters? Would the Natal Command site become a housing precinct for low income multi ethnic groups? Would law of politics run full cycle and SA see another great white ruler? It seems as if the world needs more than luck – it needs a miracle! This world which has the potential to be an Eden, sometimes feels like the hell before hell. It is not my intention to raise a whole spook show of coming terrors but it could just be that the prophecies of doomsday have already begun.
Kevin Govender
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