IT’S a story to make you turn in your grave. Fly-by-night private ambulance operators are thriving, living off the dead and the injured. Like vultures they swoop down on an accident and scramble and fight for victims.
At one accident in Pietermaritzburg, eight ambulances turned up.
Once the dead and injured are shoved into their ambulances, the doors are shut like the gates to hell and they are only released once payment is made.
But just as unscrupulous as the private ambulance operators is the greedy Chatsworth lawyer Subashnie Moodley, who took R560 000 from a homeless cripple, Theodore Minnie.
The money from the Road Accident Fund was paid into her trust account and she was the beneficiary of the deceased’s will. To add more intrigue to the case, Minnie died in suspicious circumstances and the lawyer is now under investigation for his death. What some of us won’t do for money! We even kill our loved ones.
The court found that Moodley was a conniving, avaricious person who was prepared to compromise her moral principles, character and professional integrity for the greed of money.
She had abused her client’s trust and cannot be allowed to bring more harm and disrepute to society and the profession.
Being a legal person, her conduct was nothing less than despicable. Deservedly, she was struck off the roll. ("Attorney struck off", POST, March 6).
For money, she’s lost her respect and her job. POST should have published her photograph so the public will know who she is – a well-fed woman living off her unsuspecting, trusting clients.
I wish government watchdogs would be as strict and scrupulous as the KwaZulu-Natal Law Society!
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