According to education spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga, the curriculum had been part of the comprehensive sexuality education programme since 2000. According to education spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga, the curriculum had been part of the comprehensive sexuality education programme since 2000.
Letter- WE refer to the controversy related to the introduction of sexual education and specifically the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) programme to the South African school curriculum.
We wish to reiterate our community’s absolute and firm opposition to the introduction of some of these concepts and the way it has been proposed.
The concepts include sexual desire, sexual diversity, sexual expression and enjoyment and motivations for having and not having sex.
According to Statistics SA, 88.7% of South Africans consider themselves to be people of faith.
The CSE programme is known to demean religion and faith.
Notwithstanding South Africa is a secular democracy, the views of the vast majority of people must prevail.
We must resist any foreign force using donor aid or political pressure to further an agenda that is not in keeping with the vast majority of our people’s views.
The vast majority of South Africa, we are certain, is opposed to the CSE concepts being introduced in the manner and content proposed.
education and chairpersons of the portfolio committees on
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