4 tips to get a good night’s rest during hot, summer nights

Having a good night’s sleep is crucial to preparing you for the next day. l PEXELS

Having a good night’s sleep is crucial to preparing you for the next day. l PEXELS

Published Oct 17, 2022


There’s nothing worse than trying to fall asleep after a long day, on a 29ºC night, with mosquitoes buzzing around.

And we all know how cranky you can get if you didn’t get enough sleep. With the end of the year coming up and all the festivities, it’s vital to consider these steps in order to have a good night’s rest.

Prep in the morning

Many motivational talks advise us to start off the morning on a positive note, even if it means making your bed first thing in the morning.

Some of us choose to do some form of exercise before tackling the day and it is advised, that for a calm and mindful approach to life, you start off every day with a guided meditation. And no, you don’t need to be a professional in order to do so – there are various apps to help guide you through this process.

An example of an app is FitOn and Timer, which are free apps that help conquer anxiety, stress and sleeplessness.

Meditation can put you in a calm frame of mind. l ANDREA PIACQUADIO/PEXELS

Pre-bedtime calm

This is a vital part of your sleep regime; I’ve come to realise that if I put my cellphone or laptop down an hour before bedtime, I find it easier to fall asleep. Maybe it’s time for you to curl up and read a book/magazine or listen to your favourite playlist.

Set yourself up for a good night’s rest by starting to wind down 90 minutes before going to bed. Do non-stimulating activities – that means no TV thrillers before bedtime, staying off your phone, and making a conscious decision to park your worries.

According to By Amy Marturana Winderl, in a Self article, keeping our body and mind calm is a key factor to sleeping well. Therefore, take a bath, read a book, or spray your room with a calming lavender mist to help you switch off and relax.

A clean room promotes better sleep

A clean space looks better yes, but it also helps keep your headspace “clean”. Aisha Pandor, co-founder of SweepSouth, said: ‘’You might not want to think about it, but sheets, pillows, and PJs can be full of dead skin cells, unwanted germs, and tiny dust mites that increase your risk of suffering from allergies, hay fever, and asthma, all of which make it difficult to breathe well while you sleep.’’

Clean sheets and bedding are crucial for a good sleep. l PEXELS

Make sure to regularly wash your sleepwear and bedding and air your bedroom. For example, you can use a clothes steamer, and use it on your curtains or mattress for a “deep clean”.

Breathing exercises

Feeling anxious is one of the main reasons people struggle to sleep. You can calm your mind by deep breathing, as it has many benefits, with longer exhales than inhales. ‘’As you breathe, be sure to inhale through your nose and then exhale through your mouth.

“Keep your face relaxed as you do this. Breathe in and out while counting to make sure that you are breathing slowly. Relax and focus on the sound of your breath,’’ said Arlin Cuncic.

It’s not guaranteed that these tips will work immediately or work at all, but it’s worth the try doing the necessary research in order to ease into lalaland.

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