Sharing the rejection email on Reddit’s ‘antiwork’ forum, the sender’s aggressive tone and rudeness didn’t gain them any fans. Picture: Nick Youngson/
The job market is a tough nut to crack. It’s soul-crushing every time you get the cut-and-paste version of, “We regret to inform you...”
It stings even more if you don’t even get a response from a possible employer with regards to a job application.
No matter how many job rejections you get, nobody can say it doesn’t affect you, mentally.
But just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it got a whole lot bad for this guy who applied for a ‘Frontend Software Engineer’ position at a US-based IT company.
Sharing the rejection email on Reddit’s "antiwork" forum, the sender’s aggressive tone and rudeness didn’t gain them any fans.
Whoever received this rejection letter is far better off than being hired by this "Elite..."
byu/InfiniteBlacksmith41 inantiwork
The email started off in the usual manner, thanking the applicant for their interest in the job, but unfortunately their application was declined because they failed the automated online test.
Once the pleasantries were out of the way, it went rogue from there.
"Any repeated attempts to apply for this position again before this time, or any attempts to retake the test will lead to an automated decline of your application, as well as blacklisting of your profile from any further applications," read the email.
That was only the half of it.
If the candidate thought about throwing a pity party, think again because, "If you are upset at this email, we have to inform you that life is hard and part of any professional or personal development is dealing with rejection and finding ways to improve.“
Obviously, Redditors had loads to say.
“Looks like a real scumbag who thinks very highly of his own intelligence and has no tolerance for mistakes. Bullet dodged,” commented an online user.
Another said: “This level of toxicity doesn't start at an individual contributor level. This has to be approved by someone much higher up the food chain.”
“A simple no would have sufficed,” added BlueHero45.
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