WATCH: 3 things your therapist should never do



Published Oct 29, 2021


Finding a mental health professional can be a daunting process. From looking for the perfect therapist to budgeting for the costs, finding what works for you might take some time.

That, however, should not discourage you from seeking help. Mental health professionals can help give you a better understanding of your own emotions. They can also teach you how to communicate and convey those emotions in a healthy manner, plus an array of other skills.

If you are thinking of seeking help in the form of therapy you need to be prepared for a ride. You might be lucky and meet the perfect therapist from get-go or you might struggle a bit to find a therapist that meets all your needs.

Licensed marriage and family therapist Kiaundra Jackson has revealed a list of things you should never tolerate from your therapist. Through her TikTok account, she shares the ins and outs of therapy in an effort to assist those that are seeking help.

In one of her videos, Jackson shared the three things your therapist should not do.

The first is that your therapist should not be spending your time talking about themselves.

Secondly, Jackson said your therapist should not be consistently late because that is just disrespectful.

Lastly, she explained that your therapist should not ghost you. “They should not ghost you or your phone calls, your sessions, your emails should be responded to promptly because you never know what can happen, you might need them.”

She then took to the comments section to ask her viewers to share any points they would like to add.

One user wrote, “I had a therapist that I got along with very well, then I realized that’s because I spent most sessions quiet while he talked about his past experiences.”

Jackson responded to that by simply saying, “Oh no.”

Another user wrote, “I had a therapist continually be late and forget sessions we had, I have issues with abandonment lol [laughing out loud].”

Jackson replied, “Time to switch! That’s unacceptable.”

In another video, the therapist responded to a viewer that wanted to know how they could break up with a therapist. She advised them to avoid ghosting the therapist but instead use whatever communication skills they have gained to express their feelings and thoughts to the therapist in a healthy way.

Jackson added that a good therapist will understand your decision and even offer you referrals to other therapists.