DIY a job for a woman?

Almost three quarters of British women believe they are as good or better at DIY as men, a survey has revealed.

Almost three quarters of British women believe they are as good or better at DIY as men, a survey has revealed.

Published Sep 2, 2011


London - If you think being handy in the home is the preserve of males think again.

Almost three quarters of British women believe they are as good or better at DIY as men, a survey has revealed.

Half of all women spend between one and five hours a week doing little jobs around the house, the figures revealed - and some rate themselves better at it than their partners.

Female home ownership has grown, with one in five households now owned by single women.

A fifth of women spend between six and ten hours a week on DIY, the study found.

Nearly four in ten said they did it because they had just bought a home , with the same number saying it was the only way to get things done.

Two thirds of women would rather try to carry out basic tasks themselves first, before asking anyone to help them. However, they appear to be more comfortable with basic jobs than complex construction or electrical maintenance.

Eighty-two percent are comfortable painting, 79 percent changing light bulbs and 77 percent ripping wallpaper, whereas just 47 percent are happy to build furniture and changing a fuse is something only 46 percent undertake.

The survey of 2,000 women for DIY retailer B&Q showed that of the 60 percent who are in a relationship, more than a third said they do more DIY around the house than their partner.

In another swipe at the male ego, a third of women polled believed they were better at it than their partner.

Katherine Paterson of B&Q, said: “Our findings show that DIY is no longer just a man’s game.” - Daily Mail

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