Who’s your ultimate sex symbol? Mzanzi takes to Twitter to tell us who gets them hot under the collar

Twitter wants to know. Picture: Twitter

Twitter wants to know. Picture: Twitter

Published Nov 10, 2021


If someone asked you right now who your ultimate sex symbol is, who would immediately come to mind?

When I saw #MyUltimateSexSymbol trending on Twitter my mind went racing and the first person who sprung to mind was Lenny Kravitz.

I’ve had a celeb crush on that man since I was 20-years-old. So much so that I once told a friend that I would go as far as licking his sweat. Yes I know that’s gross, but hey, have you SEEN Lenny Kravitz?

Well, that’s just me.

We all have that one person who gets us hot under the collar. Whether it’s a celeb hottie or the girl next door.

Radio host Thabo Mokwele asked the following question in a Twitter post: How do you choose or decide who is your #MyUltimateSexSymbol;

- Beauty/Sixpack

- Wealth/Popularity

- Influence/Power

Of course it didn’t take Twitter users long to respond and share who their ultimate sex symbols are. While some really got in on the action, others just stood by and took notes, as so many Twitter users do when the members of the opposite sex let their secrets out.

There are some Mzanzi ladies who are crushing hard on the “dark chocolate” Hollywood hotties while the guys are loving voluptuous women.

While many women turn to big screen hotties, SA men are swooning over the local celebrity beauties.

Here’s who SA is crushing on:

— Innocent Mahlobo (@Imahlobo05) November 10, 2021
— Nombulelo (@Mabuli_M) November 10, 2021