Trade unions slam Zille’s plan on DGs

DA Federal Council chairperson Helen Zille cited the ANC’s cadre deployment policy as the reason for demanding the review of DG contracts. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/Independent Newspapers

DA Federal Council chairperson Helen Zille cited the ANC’s cadre deployment policy as the reason for demanding the review of DG contracts. Picture: Ayanda Ndamane/Independent Newspapers

Published Jun 26, 2024


Labour unions have vowed to fight for the rights of directors-general (DGs) in ministers’ offices, saying that senior public servants are also protected by the country’s labour laws.

This comes after a “leaked letter” from the DA, circulating on social media, in which the party’s Federal Council chairperson Helen Zille said current DGs that fall under DA ministers’ offices would have their contracts reviewed.

Zille cited the ANC’s cadre deployment policy as the reason for demanding the review of DG contracts.

Zille’s letter, which has caused quite a stir in the country’s political landscape, was penned to ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula, telling him that her party wanted around 12 ministerial posts in the Government of National Unity.

In the letter, Zille also demanded that DGs reporting to DA ministers need to be selected by panels consisting of the party’s ministers and submitted to the president for approval.

The Public Service Association’s (PSA) Reuben Maleka, said in response that the PSA would fight for the rights of all DGs.

“It shows the sheer arrogance and ignorance of the DA. DGs are employees with full labour rights and the majority are PSA members. The PSA will not allow the violation of labour rights by the DA.”

Maleka added that it was unfortunate that the DA wanted to start being part of governance on a wrong note.

“They must refrain from provoking the PSA and labour movement in general.”

Cosatu acting national spokesperson Matthew Parks said they strongly reject the DA’s proposal to remove DGs and replace them with DA cadres.

“This would undermine the government’s progress in professionalising the public service and it is hypocritical for the DA to seek to undermine the laws and regulations governing the public service. It won’t fly nor be allowed.”

The SACP urged President Cyril Ramaphosa to move swiftly to appoint the deputy president, ministers and deputy ministers.

“The DGs are, correctly so, not rightless. They are covered by the hard-won labour rights enshrined in our Constitution and labour law and have a defined tenure. Any arbitrary termination of their contracts would amount to an abuse of the DGs, who are unlikely to be passive,” it said in a statement.

The party also said that such “abuse” would lead to wasteful spending of public resources.

“The SACP will stand in solidarity with the National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union in the fight to protect their rights against such violation, just as it stands for the rights of all workers. The SACP Political Bureau has approved final preparations for the first Party Central Committee plenary scheduled to take place from Friday to Sunday, June 28-30.”

The party said while the ANC did not receive the minimum of 50% plus one required to form an outright majority government, it is important for everyone to recognise it still has been voted the largest electoral party by voter support.

“The SACP Political Bureau denounced attempts by the DA, a party with a little over half of the ANC’s votes, at elevating itself to or usurping the role of the party with the largest votes.

“The DA’s trickery, hypocritical and untenable demands vindicate the SACP, which has on the record expressed strong opposition to a coalition with the DA. In doing so, the SACP made its preferred option of an ANC-led minority government with the features of a government of national unity clear.”

Legal expert Mpumelelo Zikalala of Zikalala Attorneys said the DA cannot remove a director-general from office but it can conduct a performance review.

“DGs have contracts and that needs to be honoured,” he said.

In Zille’s letter of demand, the DA said it wanted the position of deputy president and 11 minister positions in the newly established GNU and the deputy minister positions in the same ministries, except for the finance minister position where they would only want the deputy minister position.

Zille said that all tenders issued in departments reporting to DA ministers since the promulgation of the election date should be reviewed.

The Mercury