A small group of people - including a man driving a hearse with a coffin - during a fuel protest. Picture: IOL A small group of people - including a man driving a hearse with a coffin - during a fuel protest. Picture: IOL
Letter: I fully endorse the initiative taken by Visvin Reddy in his efforts to agitate for fuel prices to be reduced.
It’s human nature when tenacious people stand up to be counted in asking for a reduction in a commodity that affects the entire nation, that they will always meet some kind of resistance.
However, Visvin is a seasoned campaigner who knows that if you put yourself out in the public domain, the terrain will be rugged. In life it’s easy to be a armchair critic lacking any positive action. Here is a man mobilising the various role-players asking them to share his vision.
The multiplier effect of a reduction in fuel and petrol will benefit many who are trying to eke out a living considering the unemployment rate of 27.2% or 5.4 million economically active people, who are structurally unemployed.
There can also be a reduction in taxi fares and commodity prices since most food items are transported by road.
Some political parties have come on board since this initiative and are asking for the fuel levy to be decreased by R1. The Road Accident Fund levy needs to be re-evaluated in light of the corruption and mismanagement of the fund.
Any reprieve to assist the overburdened consumer will always be welcome.
This can only be a reality if everybody in the country rallies around Papppi (People Against Petrol and Paraffin Price Increases), Visvin and his team, so that fuel prices are reduced.
Nelson Mandela stated that “it always seems impossible until it is done”.