Mitchell’s Plain Community Police Forum’s Tafelsig Sub-forum held a Women’s Month lunch at Tafelsig community hall on Thursday August 22. From left, are Jenifer Johnson, of Tafelsig; the sub-forum’s chairwoman, Charmaine Adams; and Kim Josephs, from Reconstructive Living Labs in Westridge, lighting candles in memory of those who have died across Mitchell’s Plain, especially from gang violence.
Pictured clockwise, from left, are Tafelsig community health-care workers Rochelle Benjamin, Vanessa Witbooi, Dolores van Breda, Saadiqah Brown, Maryam Hardien, Irene Matsenga, Rushaan Botha and Thaakirah Booysen. Pictured clockwise, from left, are Mitchell’s Plain police officers Warrant Officer Peterus Baatjies, Sergeant Leslene Draai, Sergeant Candice Williams and Constable Enrich Nicke; Eden Community Outreach’s Berenice Roman and Portia Ross; Tafelsig West sector commander Captain Ashley Solomons; Ann Charles, from Bellville; and Salma Louw, from Tafelsig. Back, from left, are Mitchell’s Plain Community Police Forum’s Tafelsig West Sub-forum members Jemima Adams, Megan de Klerk and Charmaine Adams; Yellowwood Residents’ and Safety Association’s Maria Weavers; Tafelsig West Neighbourhood Watch chairwoman Chantal Cloete; and sub-forum secretary Juanita Rainers. Front: Judy Lappers, from Tafelsig, and Yellowwood Residents’ and Safety Association’s Catherine Alford and Rene Petersen.