Milnerton High School principal Paul Besener is retiring. Picture: Supplied
As the 2024 school year comes to an end today, so too does Milnerton High School principal Paul Besener’s 37-year career in education.
Not altogether pleased about his retirement, Mr Besener, 65, who is also a qualified psychologist, told Tabletalk that his heart would forever be in the field of education.
He joined Milnerton High School in 1987 and taught there until 1993, when he moved to Tafelberg High School, as deputy principal, for 12 years.
He returned to Milnerton High, in 2005, where he was appointed as principal and stayed put for 19 years.
Originally from Port Elizabeth, Mr Besener attended Pearson High School, which was where he found his passion for teaching, he said.
“In those days, if you were a good sportsman, there was no professional sport except for golf and tennis. So one of the ways that you could satisfy that need to excel in sport would be to teach it.”
Much had changed at Milnerton High since the 1980s, he said, noting how it had been one of the first schools in the early 90s to open to all races, and today it was home to a diverse range of pupils and staff with at least 37 languages being spoken.
“It was super exciting to be part of this journey at Milnerton High School up until the very last.
“The pupils who excelled in sport, academics, and the 100% pass rates that we worked so hard to achieve will always be the best memories to carry with me.”
A principal learned from the pupils as much as the pupils learned from the principal, he said.
“It’s about the relationship between staff, pupils and everyone, and the impact you each have on each other's lives that makes the difference.”
He said life without fun was not worth living, but while teaching for him had not always been a fun experience, it was one he had made the most of.
Earlier this year, Milnerton High School opened its new hall named after Mr Besener (“A proud day for Milnerton High,” Tabletalk, February 28).
But that was not the only way he hoped to be remembered, he said, adding that he had always tried to make a difference in others’ lives and would like to continue offering teaching support to schools that were struggling.
Speaking on behalf of her colleagues, maths and physics teacher Michaela Martins, praised Mr Besener’s leadership.
“Under his leadership, our school grounds have grown incredibly, academic programmes have flourished, extracurricular activities have expanded and excelled, and the school’s sense of community has deepened.”
She said Mr Besener had been the driving force behind several school projects such as the construction and completion of the conference centre, the aquatic centre, floodlights, the AstroTurf, the new hall, the ablution block and classroom improvements.
“Thank you, Mr Besener, for your unwavering service, your exceptional leadership, and for making our school a place we are all proud to call home. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours, knowing that wherever you go and whatever you do, you will continue to inspire and lead with the same passion and dedication that have made you such an invaluable part of our school,” said Ms Martins.
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