Rosewood Primary School principal Wasseem Williams, left, presented a plaque to deputy principal Abdurachmaan Schroeder, middle, as a farewell gift. With them is former school governing body member Pastor Phillip Voegt.
Rosewood Primary School deputy principal Abdurachmaan Schroeder has handed over the baton after 37 years in education.
Mr Schroeder started his career at the school in 1988, and on Friday January 31, he addressed his pupils at a special assembly for the last time as their deputy principal.
He told the pupils that even though Fridays at their school were casual dress-code days, he wanted to dress formally to honour the school and the memories he would take with him.
“Rosewood was my family for 37 years. I spent more time there than with my family. For as long as I can remember, I have always been passionate about teaching, and I love working with and interacting with children. Now I look forward to spending more time with my family, especially my 27-month-old grandson. Our first grandchild. I will also go on Umrah (religious pilgrimage) in a few months’ time,” he said.
Mr Schroeder thanked former colleagues who supported him when he started his career.
“I am the second-last colleague to retire from the group of colleagues I had when I started out here. I will always be grateful to my colleagues and especially my former colleagues.
“If I look back over the years, some of the highlights that stand out for me include the tours we undertook at Oudtshoorn and Ceres, our countless hiking expeditions and, of course, the athletics competitions. I also remember fondly all the mathematics Olympiads and the science competitions that our pupils did so well in over the years. The school’s fund-raisers, like food fairs and family fun days, were also dear to me, as this is where I met former pupils and could interact with parents. I will surely miss my colleagues and the children. There are so many of my pupils who visited me at school over the years to share their success stories with me. This warms my heart.”
Fellow teacher, Lydia Blaauw, thanked Mr Schroeder for his 37 years of service.
She added: “He has a very soft heart and is popular among his colleagues for his wicked sense of humour. I wish him well on his retirement, and I hope he will pop in whenever he can. We are colleagues who became friends, and now we are family.”
Former principal Patricia Arries said: “We taught together for many years. I am grateful to him for investing his time, energy, and money into the school. I remember the times we had extra classes, and he always fed the pupils. He will always have something to give to a learner who didn’t have, and he was always there when he was needed - whether for an excursion, hiking trips or fund-raisers. We could count on him. I’d like to thank him for all he has done for Rosewood Primary, and even for me.”
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