DA claims the water crisis in Northern Cape is 'a fabrication'

Seen speaking during the announcement of the DA ward councillor candidates yesterday is DA provincial leader Andrew Louw. Picture: Danie van der Lith

Seen speaking during the announcement of the DA ward councillor candidates yesterday is DA provincial leader Andrew Louw. Picture: Danie van der Lith

Published Jan 22, 2019


Kimberley - The DA in the Northern Cape has urged the Sol Plaatje City Council to investigate the water crisis that the city is experiencing.

Introducing the seven ward candidates who will be contesting the upcoming by-elections in the Sol Plaatje Municipality under the party’s blue banner, DA provincial leader Andrew Louw questioned whether the water crisis is “real” or an election tactic by the ANC.

“What we have noticed as a trend these past years is that every time there is an election, there will be a water crisis in the city. This water crisis is merely a fabrication. There is no crisis. The municipality must get an engineer to investigate if there is a real water problem and address the matter,” he said.

Louw added that the party would investigate whether the municipality’s findings on the city’s current water woes were indeed truthful.

“We will be investigating and testing the water to ascertain if there is indeed a crisis. We will be going to every water point and reservoir to get to the bottom of this problem.”

Louw said further that the DA’s candidates would bring much-needed assistance and relief to their respective wards as communities had been failed by the ruling party in the past.

“The upcoming by-elections present an opportunity for residents to vote for real change that puts the people first. Even with Patrick Mabilo at the steering wheel, the failing ANC still remains the same broken vehicle which is incapable of developing the municipality, delivering job opportunities and speeding up the delivery of basic services. The ANC is a dying horse. The city has lost its spark and the DA is the only party that can bring change to the city and the Province.

“The failing ANC has been given too many second chances, and has shown itself to be a party of empty promises. Voters in this by-election have a choice to vote for the DA, which is committed to bringing real change.

“We are confident that these candidates can bring stability, speed up the delivery of basic services, put a stop to corruption, open access to real, long-term jobs and ensure that residents are safe in their communities.”

Louw also lambasted allegations of abuse by provincial leadership that were made by the former DA councillor for Ward 28, Shaine Griqua, who resigned from the party and joined the ANC last week.

“Nobody in the DA is indispensable, no matter what position they may hold. People will come and go. For the one that has left, there will be seven to 10 other people ready to replace him.”

Louw added that he would, at a later stage, reveal the “true” reasons behind Griqua’s exit.

DA Team One South Africa spokesperson Solly Malatsi said that Griqua’s allegations of abuse and racism within the party were false.

“There are people who claim that the DA is a racist party. What is surprising is that these individuals stay with the party for years and it is only once they leave the party that they make these allegations whereas they never complain when they are within the party,” said Malatsi.

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