Tattoo artist admits to removing client's ear, splitting another's tongue

Picture: African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Picture: African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Feb 12, 2019


LONDON - A British tattooist pleaded

guilty on Tuesday to performing illegal body modifications on

clients, including taking off an ear and a nipple and splitting

a customer's tongue.

Brendan McCarthy, 50, who has no medical qualifications,

carried out the surgical procedures at his "Dr Evil" studio in

the central city of Wolverhampton between 2012 and 2015,

prosecutors said.

His arrest followed complaints about online images of him

removing a client's ear. McCarthy later said believed the

procedures were lawful because his clients had consented.

At Wolverhampton Crown Court, he pleaded guilty to three

counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and will be

sentenced at a later date.

"This is a landmark case involving body modification," said

Rhiannon Jones of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) which

presented expert evidence as to the risks to those involved.

"This prosecution was not brought to seek to curtail

individual choice or freedom of self-expression but because

McCarthy, who was licensed to carry out tattooing and body

piercing, was performing what were significant surgical

procedures in a tattoo studio ..," she added in a statement.

"This case confirms the existing law that surgical

procedures must be carried out by properly trained, qualified

and regulated surgeons or health care professionals.

"McCarthy was none of these and as a result his surgical

procedures, albeit carried out at the request of his clients,

were unlawful." 


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