Trump superimposed his head on Rocky's body on Twitter, and reviews were... mixed

Picture: Twitter

Picture: Twitter

Published Nov 28, 2019


Chicago - US President Donald Trump

received a split decision on Wednesday from tens of thousands of

Twitter followers after he posted an image of his head

superimposed on the muscular body of Rocky Balboa, a fictional

boxer from the movie series "Rocky."

The post was retweeted 124,000 times and received almost

405,000 likes as of 6:30pm as many followers

responded with memes and photos of their own, comparing Trump's

physique to that of former President Barack Obama.

Followers cheered Trump on with messages of support, saying

there is a "fighter in the White House" and thanked him for

"being our champion."

"No president has ever fought as hard as President

@realDonaldTrump on behalf of hardworking, taxpaying,

Constitution supporting, God-fearing, middle- and working-class,

patriotic, everyday, American citizens," tweeted Allen Sutton,

editor of the website.

His detractors used the tweet as an opportunity to take

swings at Trump, calling the Republican president "delusional"

and "narcissistic."

"Is it just me or did this Trump Rocky photo make anyone

else throw up in their mouth a little?" tweeted actress Angela


Actor Sylvester Stallone, who said "I love Donald Trump" in

a 2016 interview with Variety, played Rocky Balboa in the

"Rocky" movie series about a washed-up fighter in Philadelphia

who rose up the ranks to win the heavyweight championship of the


"Rocky IV," in which Balboa beat Russian Ivan Drago, opened

in theaters on this date in 1985, which could explain why Trump

posted the image on Wednesday.

Trump, however, did not include text in the post. Some in

the media speculated that it was in reference to his ability to

fight off controversy during the ongoing impeachment inquiry in


Others suggested that the image alluded to comments he made

on Tuesday about his health during a rally in Florida, where he

said doctors told him he had a "gorgeous chest" during a recent



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donald trump