DA is ready to create jobs, improve service delivery and combat corruption -John Steenhuisen

Published Jul 1, 2024


Now that the DA is government, leader John Steenhuisen reaffirms that any suspicious tenders issued in departments under the DA control will be swiftly investigated and that senior civil service appointments will not be obstructed or politicised.

The DA got 12 portfolios, with six ministers and six deputy ministers in President Cyril Ramaphosa’s new cabinet.

Ramaphosa unveiled his cabinet meant to drive the country forward with a new government at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Sunday night.

As announced by Ramaphosa, the DA has taken up the following portfolios in Cabinet: Agriculture, Basic Education, Public Works and Infrastructure, Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, Home Affairs, as well Communications and Digital Technologies.

The DA has further assumed Deputy Minister posts in the portfolios of Finance, Trade, Industry and Competition, Higher Education, Energy and Electricity, Water and Sanitation, as well as Small Business Development.

This means that the DA is the only party that is now represented across every one of the clusters in government after the ANC.

Steenhuisen, who is the Minister of Agriculture, said: “When the DA said we would rescue South Africa from the Doomsday scenario, we meant it.

“And with yesterday’s formation of the new Cabinet, DA voters can rest assured that we have kept our word and delivered on both elements of our strategic objective.”

He addressed the media, following an agreement to form part of the national government.

Steenhuisen said his party will use all its influential cabinet seats to pursue rapid growth and job creation and also improve service delivery to the nation.

This also includes improving the quality of education, water and sanitation, as well as energy and electricity supply.

According to the DA leader, his party was never in this for the sake of positions but to ensure that the voters’ voices were respected.

As it was stated in their election campaign, the DA stressed the urgent need to grow the economy and create jobs, to bring an end to the energy crisis, to combat corruption and maladministration, and to improve the quality of services like education.

Steenhuisen said their commitment was to rebuild the government, with the aim of translating their track record of “good governance and quality service delivery” at local government into national government.

“We will do so because our mission core in the Government of National Unity is to serve, uplift and deliver dignity to all the people of our country,” he said.

He further reminded the DA members in cabinet posts that they carry an enormous responsibility and “serving the people” is the main key.

He called on citizens to help them achieve their goal of rescuing South Africa.

“As the DA now takes up our rightful place at the Cabinet table, these same priorities will continue to guide the work we do.

But we must not kid ourselves that any of this will be easy and we must not get carried away by the significance of the moment.

“The truth is that the road ahead will be a difficult one,” he said.

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