Former SANDF general Mojo Motau speaks on ANC division

ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule celebrating ANC Charlotte 150th birthday with the ANC women's league in Kliptown. Photo: Simphiwe Mbokazi/African News Agency(ANA)

ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule celebrating ANC Charlotte 150th birthday with the ANC women's league in Kliptown. Photo: Simphiwe Mbokazi/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Apr 8, 2021


Johannesburg - Lieutenant General Mojo Motau has again called for the ANC national executive committee (NEC) to go.

Motau is a retired SANDF general, former military intelligence chief and uMkhonto we Sizwe member.

Speaking to Independent Media, Motau said the call for the entire NEC to dissolve is the right approach to dislocate counter revolution.

“We are aware that the NEC might resist that. But reality is that our people cannot bear their marginalisation and oppression any longer. They will force change and they may create total instability. The ANC might fail to control things,” said Motau.

“I am unfortunately not able to tell what those forced to step-aside are going to say and do. They are part of the decision-making process in the NEC. What we know is that the NEC in its entirety should go,” he said.

Last week, ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa told the nation that the party’s national leadership took a decision that all senior and provincial leaders facing criminal charges should step aside or face suspension.

Outlining the resolution, Ramaphosa said all members who have been charged with corruption or other serious crimes must step aside within 30 days, failing which, they should be suspended in terms of Rule 25.70 of the ANC constitution.

Motau said the situation playing itself out in the ANC today is fundamentally an ideological contradiction.

“It is between those that embrace neo-liberalism and nationalists embracing the Freedom Charter. It is therefore a struggle against neo-colonialism. It is a struggle of the dispossessed and marginalised African majority in particular and blacks in general,” said Motau.

He said in neo-colonialism the colonial masters co-opt some from the oppressed using money and political favours to continue to oppress the majority. The co-opted will seek to capture the liberation movement and redirect its political programme. That is an attempt by neo-liberalism to gain some credibility.

“The contest between these forces creates antagonistic contradictions that are irreconcilable. The situation therefore demands for the purging of the liberation.

“The situation in the ANC is very challenging for the revolutionary forces as they have pushed to the periphery and do not occupy the vintage position. They have no resources equal to those supported by neo-colonial forces. Their strength however lies in mass support mobilisation,” said Motau.

He added that the ANC Turnaround Strategy 2025 adopted by the ANC Cadre Summit in September last year is the only programme that can assure fundamental change for the ANC and for the people.

Meanwhile, ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule admitted that the ANC and the Top Six is divided while addressing ANC Women's League (ANCWL) in Kliptown, Soweto on Wednesday during the commemoration of 150th birthday of struggle steward Charlotte Maxeke.

”It is true that the ANC is divided, we as the Top 6 are divided; it is not a secret. If the ANC is divided, the society, churches, sports will be divided,” said Magashule.

Political Bureau

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