
Eskom implements Stage 3 load shedding following 20 days of uninterrupted power supply

Jolene Marriah-Maharaj|Published

IOL Stage 3 load shedding has kicked in. File Picture: Timothy Bernard Independent Newspapers

Image: Timothy Barnard

After 20 days of uninterrupted power supply, Eskom announced that Stage 3 load shedding would be implemented from 5.30 pm. 

The national power utility said this was due to a temporary setback. 

Eskom said Stage 3 would be in effect until further notice. 

They said an update would be provided on Sunday. 

Earlier this month, Eskom said load shedding had to be implemented following several breakdowns. 

Eskom’s spokesperson, Daphne Mokwena said "As promised, Eskom has since replenished these reserves, with dam levels fully replenished and open-cycle gas turbines adequately recovered, ensuring a stable supply,” Eskom’s spokesperson, Daphne Mokwena.

In January the power utility had celebrated going 300 days without load shedding and said they were aiming for a year. 

"Our sights are now firmly focussed on delivering one year without load shedding at midnight on March 26, 2025."

IOL reported that Eskom has spent close to R10 billion on diesel since March 2024, helping it keep the lights on.

Matthew Cruise, an energy expert at Forest Energy Solutions claims Eskom has avoided numerous power cuts in January thanks to the use of diesel. 

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