SA teachers to get free Uber rides to vaccination sites

Published Jun 22, 2021


The Covid-19 vaccine rollout for employees in the education sector is expected to start on Wednesday, and Uber South Africa has offered to get those eligible to their vaccination sites for free.

The e-hailing company has partnered with the Department of Basic Education to cover two trips up to R150 for 300 000 eligible educators to and from select vaccination centres across the country.

The Department of Basic Education said in a press release that it urges all teachers and staff to be in school to prepare for the vaccination programme.

“Regular attendance will contribute to the successful implementation of the vaccination programme targeted at 582 000 people,” according to the department.

General manager for Uber Sub-Saharan Africa, Frans Hiemstra, said the company remained committed to supporting the government and community by reducing transport barriers to those needing to access the vaccine.

“We believe that teachers are the backbone of society, and feel that transport should not be a barrier for anyone to receive a vaccine. We are proud to work with the Department of Health and Department of Basic Education to harness the power of the Uber platform to help connect teachers with vaccines, as we all work together to help end this pandemic,” he said.

Here’s how it will work:

- Educators who have received confirmation that they are eligible to receive their vaccination will then need to create an Uber account.

- You can type in the link to claim the Uber voucher. It will be saved to your Uber account for use when it’s eligible.

- Once you’ve claimed a voucher, make sure to add a form of payment and use your personal profile in the Uber app when using a voucher.

- Enter your destination during an eligible time frame and the voucher will automatically appear on the ride request screen, directly above the “Choose…” button.

- You also can view voucher details in your Uber app by selecting the Menu bar, tap Wallet, scroll down and tap Vouchers.

- Don’t forget No Mask. No Ride. Please also wash or sanitize your hands before entering the vehicle, and jump into the back seat to give yourself and your driver enough space.

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