Criticism mounts as basketball stars get virus tests despite shortage

There is mounting criticism that NBA basketball teams have been able to provide coronavirus tests to their players despite a national shortage of testing kits. Photo: Elaine Thompson/AP Photo

There is mounting criticism that NBA basketball teams have been able to provide coronavirus tests to their players despite a national shortage of testing kits. Photo: Elaine Thompson/AP Photo

Published Mar 19, 2020


LOS ANGELES – There is mounting criticism that NBA basketball

teams have been able to provide coronavirus tests to their players

despite a national shortage of testing kits.

The Brooklyn Nets tested its players - with four athletes including

all-star Kevin Durant testing positive - and on Wednesday the

majority Los Angeles Lakers' star-studded team were tested, according

to the Los Angeles Times.

"With all due respect, an entire NBA team should NOT get tested for

Covid-19 while there are critically ill patients waiting to be

tested," New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio said in a tweet on

Tuesday, slamming his home town Brooklyn Nets.

"Tests should not be for the wealthy, but for the sick," De Blasio


According to data collected by the Covid Tracking Project, there have

been nearly 72,000 test administered since the outbreak. The US is

testing at a rate far behind countries like South Korea, as the

US supply chain struggles to meet the testing demand.

Meanwhile cases in the US have surged passed 7,300, according to data

compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

Asked about the testing of NBA players and the access to testing for

the wealthy, President Donald Trump said that appeared to be a fact

of life.

"But perhaps that's the story of life," Trump said during a press

conference. "That does happen on occasion, and I've noticed where

people have been tested fairly quickly."


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