Some NBA teams to be allowed to open facilities in May for isolation work

NBA commissioner Adam Silver said he hoped there would be a leaguewide set of standards. "Because we operate in so many different jurisdictions, we have to pay close attention to the different rules, state by state, city by city. But we are, at the end of the day, a national league, so we feel it is incumbent on us to set what we think are the right standards for our players," Silver said. Photo: AP Photo/David Banks

NBA commissioner Adam Silver said he hoped there would be a leaguewide set of standards. "Because we operate in so many different jurisdictions, we have to pay close attention to the different rules, state by state, city by city. But we are, at the end of the day, a national league, so we feel it is incumbent on us to set what we think are the right standards for our players," Silver said. Photo: AP Photo/David Banks

Published Apr 26, 2020


LOS ANGELES - NBA teams will be allowed to open their

facilities beginning May 1 - but only if they're in a state with

relaxed or no stay-at-home orders and only for individual workouts.

The move, which NBA teams were made aware of Saturday, isn't a move

to restart the season as much as it is a reaction to an increasing

number of states easing restrictions, The Los Angeles Times has


Georgia's restrictions have been lifted on fitness centers and gyms

this week, and Oklahoma is scheduled to do the same next week. Texas

could also soon open some gyms. The NBA, according to a person

unauthorized to speak publicly, would prefer its players be in

controlled environments such as an NBA facility instead of in local


That would seem to give teams in those states an advantage over teams

playing in states hit harder by the Covid-19 pandemic, including the

four teams in California, where stay-at-home orders are indefinite.

The league ordered NBA practice facilities to be closed by March 20.

During a conference call this month, NBA commissioner Adam Silver

said he hoped there would be a leaguewide set of standards.

"Because we operate in so many different jurisdictions, we have to

pay close attention to the different rules, state by state, city by

city. But we are, at the end of the day, a national league, so we

feel it is incumbent on us to set what we think are the right

standards for our players," Silver said.

"We will be influenced by what municipalities do. We're taking in all

data. It's not just our so-called experts we're listening to. We view

the counsel with the other leagues as an opportunity to listen and

learn from colleagues, and from whatever outside resources they have

available to them.

"... But I think it's clear in order to operate a league, other than

maybe in some interim way, you need a consistent national set of



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