7 tips to help you pack like a pro this summer

Master the art of packing your essentials for this travel season’s journeys. Picture: Unsplash

Master the art of packing your essentials for this travel season’s journeys. Picture: Unsplash

Published Oct 26, 2023


It’s almost that time of the year where we get to travel and explore. However, packing for a holiday can be very stressful, especially when left for the last minute.

Finding the balance between knowing what to take and how to pack these items is an underrated skill, so second guessing yourself and packing far too much for “just in case” can result in too much luggage or too much of one item and not enough of the other.

According to Bronwyn Ragavan, brand manager for Personal Touch, when it comes to packing without stress, you need to plan in advance and try to minimise what you take, as this can lead to unwanted extra luggage and more space in the car if driving.

To beat the packing blues, Ragavan suggests implementing these 7 tips for your next holiday.

Plan outfits in advance

When packing your clothes, Ragavan said that you should plan outfits in advance.

“Consult the weather forecast so that you have a good idea of what type of clothes you should be taking. Choose clothes that are versatile and can be mixed and matched,” she said.

Limit the number of shoes to carry

The brand manager said that shoes can take up a lot of space, which is why you should limit the number of shoes to a pair for walking, one pair for the beach or around the pool and another pair for dressier occasions.

Roll, don’t fold

When it comes to your clothes, she said that rolling your clothes instead of folding them can help you to free up space in your luggage and stop then from wrinkling.

Travel size toiletries save space

Ragavan suggested decanting large bottles of lotion and shampoo into smaller bottles enough for your stay to save yourself the chore of finding space in your bag for a bulky toiletry bag.

“Also, only bring what you know you are going to use,” she said.

Carry your own soap

She said that if you’re staying at a location that allows you to do a load of washing, carrying your own Personal Touch Washing Powder Sheets is the perfect washing powder to pack.

Ragavan said that 18 sheets packed into an A5 sized box, weighing only 90g, are the perfect travel companion when travelling locally or overseas and the bonus is that there won’t be no spills, no extra weight and no bulky luggage.

Pack chargers and electronics you are going to use

“Be sure to only pack the chargers and electronics that you are going to use. If you can share chargers with other members of the family, there may not be a need to pack one for everyone. Universal chargers are a good idea,” said Ragavan.

Lay out and edit

And finally, once you have decided what you want to pack, Ragavan said that lay it all out and do an edit. She also said that you may still find unnecessary extras that can be removed before packing.

“By packing smartly, you will still have everything you need without carrying the extra kilos,” she said.