The NSRI Simonstown team and several maritime law enforcement are searching for a fisherman, who has been missing since Saturday after his boat capsized. REUTERS/Giorgos Moutafis
The Simonstown National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) team in Cape Point, Cape Town, is currently searching for a fisherman who has been missing since Saturday.
The NSRI Simonstown crew was immediately activated following reports from the Ski Boat Mobile team that a small fishing ski-boat capsized.
Upon arrival, the crew rescued a 40-year-old man who was found clinging onto the upturned hull of the capsized boat and reported his missing male colleague.
NSRI Simonstown duty coxswain, Darren Zimmerman, explained the survivor was transferred to NSRI Simonstown rescue craft, where he was treated for hypothermia and injuries upon arrival on the scene.
Zimmerman said the survivor recounted that he and the 37-year-old missing fisherman launched their craft at about 05h00 to go fishing, when it capsized in light waves.
“Both men, the local skipper and the local male survivor, clung onto the upturned hull of the capsized boat before the missing man had reportedly attempted to swim towards the shoreline and he has not been seen since,” said Zimmerman.
According to the survivor, his colleague did not wear a life-jacket and reportedly used a fuel tank in attempts to float towards the shoreline.
Zimmerman noted the fuel tank was located and recovered.
The survivor was assessed by the Cape Medical Response (CMR) paramedics at the NSRI Simonstown station 10 rescue base.
The medical team found that the survivor sustained injuries and exhaustion - he was rewarmed from hypothermia, and released into the care of his family.
While the survivor is recovering, a series of maritime law enforcement is searching for the fisherman, including the police and City of Cape Town.
“The local ski-boat had initiated a search for the missing man and was joined by at least an additional four local fishing craft and fishing vessels that had responded to requests for assistance.
“The SA Police Services, SAPS Water Policing and Diving Services, Western Cape Government Health EMS, Transnet National Ports Authority, Telkom Maritime Radio Services and Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre were alerted.
“An all ships alert was broadcast on Marine VHF radio by Telkom Maritime Radio Services requesting all vessels in the area to keep a sharp lookout.
“The Eye in the Sky EPIC Command surveillance aircraft, operated by the City of Cape Town Safety and Security Directorate, was activated in cooperation with the NSRI,” said Zimmerman.
The man remains missing, despite an extensive air and sea search party.
Zimmerman said an investigation has been launched by the police and the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA).
He further urged the maritime community to be on the look for signs of the missing person amid the search.
The Star
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