More’s appointment as city manager may have bent the rules

Sello More. Picture: Supplied

Sello More. Picture: Supplied

Published Jul 24, 2024


The embattled Mangaung Metropolitan City Manager Sello More finds himself at the centre of controversy over his appointment as the city’s Manager. The Star has learnt that both More and the Head of Departments at Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality in the Free State had not received concurrence from the MEC of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) before their appointment. It appears as though More was imposed by the council even against better knowledge of the MEC.

At the time the MEC Ketso Makume was Cogta MEC. More’s appointment and that of other senior officials raised concerns for the MEC prompting him to request a meeting with the Municipality’s Mayor Gregory Nthatisi to discuss the issues raised in relation to the appointment of the senior managers and the glaring ‘red flags’ in More’s appointment. When contacted by The Star, Makume confirmed that the meeting between himself and Nthatisi was scheduled to deal with issues his department raised which among others was to request the documents and council resolutions that were not included in the report that he was going to consider for the concurrence.

“Unfortunately that meeting couldn’t get to take place due to our commitments and unfortunately elections campaign happened as well,” the MEC disclosed. “The Executive mayor requested the meeting to discuss some issues. That includes the matter of the City Manager”

It appears that More was imposed by politicians outside of the Free State even though he was not the best fit for the job. A source very close to the situation revealed to The Star that More was “pushed down their throats”

“More came with a lot of controversy. His previous role here ended in disaster but they brought him back to an even higher position. His time as City Manager has been tumultuous. The city is the dirtiest it’s ever been. If you just follow on the media and on social media you hear how angry people are at the local government. Last month a memo went out that no one in the municipality must speak to the media because certain irregularities that happen inside the municipality made it to the media” the source said.

Mangaung Spokesperson Qondile Khedama said all senior managers posts including the City Manager’s one.

“All positions filled were done in compliance (with) Local Government: Municipal Systems Act,2000 and Local Government: Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers.Regulation 17, which is misinterpreted by the journalists was complied with and the reports as per Regulations 17(4) a-o, were submitted to the MEC Cogta as per the attached schedule,” he added.

More is no stranger to controversy, earlier this year he was accused of facilitating a “jobs for friends” syndicate in Mangaung. This followed an expose by the community activist Zwelakhe Msabe who took to social media to lambaste both the city manager and the mayor over irregular appointments and bloating staff as favours for political associates. These allegations have now prompted an investigation into ghost workers and the jobs-for-friends syndicate. The Hawks are particularly investigating More. He is not new to controversy.

In a judgment handed down on December 15 2021, Judge AJ van Rhyn found that More’s appointment as the man in charge of the Metro, was null and void since October 30, 2021, because the municipality failed to act in accordance with legal prescripts when appointing him.

The Star