Self-care, self-preservation, well-being, boundaries, mental health, pampering, wellness, self-compassion, empathy This is how you can practice self-preservation, Image: Unsplash
Beyond indulging in pamper sessions and dedicating Sundays to self-care, taking care of yourself involves safeguarding your mental and emotional well-being.
The literal meaning of self-preservation is to protect yourself from harm or death. “It’s about taking care of your emotional, social and spiritual needs by managing stress, practising self-compassion and staying connected to your loved ones,” asserts Johannesburg based life coach, Sharon Piel.
Transformational coach, author and international speaker, Justin Cohen, concurs, pointing out that this shouldn’t be at another person’s expense however. Rather, it should serve both parties. And shares this practical example, “when you’re on an aeroplane, as in life, the air steward instructs you to take care of your oxygen mask before helping other people.”
So, how can you practise self-preservation in different scenarios such as at work, home or in your relationships? “A doctor will advise you to exercise, eat five portions of fruit and vegetables and sleep for seven to eight hours a day,” says Justin. Following his or her advice is just as good for your mind as it is for your body.
So, keep the following in mind: healthy body, healthy brain, healthy mind. “How kind and compassionate are you when you’re distressed, frustrated or unhappy? When you’re good to yourself, you’re good to others.” Conversely, being unhealthy harms your creativity, focus and empathy. But where do you draw the line between focusing on your needs and being selfish? It’s selfish to manipulate someone into doing something that serves your needs but not theirs, such as taking their money and giving them nothing in return. However, let’s say you end a relationship that isn’t working for you. Justin says that even though it may hurt the other person, ultimately, it’s good for them, “because if it’s not working for you, sooner or later it’s not going to work for them either.”
That’s mutual self-preservation because it’s an unselfish act that’ll benefit both of you in the long run. Our experts agree that the best form of self-care isn’t selfish. “When we take care of ourselves, we can take care of and serve others,” says Sharon. As the saying goes, ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’. “If you’re feeling drained, emotionally and physically, you’re more susceptible to illness because stress and overwhelm lowers your immune system,” she adds. Ultimately, self-care is crucial for your wellbeing, allowing you to perform at your optimum and show up as the best version of yourself.
Sharon’s top tips for practicing self-care